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The Society of Founders of the International Peace University (FGF) - General Overview
Contact Addresses and further Information:
Society of Founders of the International Peace University,
Akazienstraße 27,
D-10823 Berlin, Phone (0049-30) 782-4610, Fax 782-6308
International Peace College Vienna, Seilerstätte 18-20, A-1010
Phone (0043-1) 512 5451, Fax 512 5650
International Peace College Switzerland, P.0. Box 3370, CH-8021
Phone (0041-1) 870-2770, Fax 870-2771
Founded: December 1, 1991
Organizational Form: Officially recognized non-profit, non-governmental organization
Orientation: Ideologically, politically, and religiously independent
The seventeen Nobel Peace Prize Laureates: Oscar Arias, Carlos
Felipe Ximenes Belo, Norman Borlaug, Mairead Corrigan-Maguire,
The XIV. Dalai Lama, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Frederik De
Klerk, Nelson Mandela, Rigoberta Menchu Tum, Shimon Peres, José
Ramos-Horta, Joseph Rotblat, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Elie Wiesel,
Betty Williams, Jody Williams, International Peace Bureau Geneva
International Board of Directors Trustees and Advisors:
Michael von Brück, Christo & Jeanne-Claude, Valentin Falin,
Johan Galtung, Jochen Gerz, Ivan Havel, Ismael Ivo, Ervin Laszlo,
Lord Menuhin, Uwe Morawetz (Chairman), Ilya Prigogine, Luise
Rinser, Marie-Luise Schwarz-Schilling, Helm Stierlin, Liv Ullmann,
Francisco Varela, Simon Wiesenthal, among others
Purpose and Goals:
1. The Peace University helps to resolve conflicts through
preventive diplomacy and global research. It promotes
international co-operation through dialogue and interaction among
a wide diversity of actors encompassing politics, economics,
culture, religion, the sciences, and the media.
2. The Peace University initiates and fosters international networks of private individuals, local communities, non-profit organizations, governments and businesses to achieve harmonious co-existence among peoples of diverse cultures and value systems through alternatives to conventional approaches and untraditional forms.
3. The Peace University provides continued education and schooling in creativity, accessible to all people. It offers orientation as well as academic and practical guidance for students and beginning professionals, stressing a conception of achievement that corresponds to individual talents and abilities and combines these with meaningful experience to take an active and responsible role in the world as a participant, not as a bystander. The Peace University strives to develop transdisciplinary approaches and research programs that can be integrated into innovative careers that meet the requirements and demands of todays world.
Activities to Date:
The Society of Founders of the International Peace University has
offered more than 600 courses and events with a total of 250
speakers in the fields of education and academics, culture, art,
creativity, medicine and health, personal and spiritual
development, environment and ecology, science and future studies,
politics, religion, social questions, and the economy.
Current Course Themes:
Education Towards Tolerance, Peace Journalism, Evolution of
Consciousness, Basis for Inner and Outer Peace, Interfaith
Dialogue, Cultures of Collaboration, Vision of Europe -
Strategies for Change, Perspectives of Work.
Registered Seat of Organization: Potsdam
International Office Headquarter: Berlin
Future United States Campus:
The ArtShip, a former
warship from the 2nd World War with a capacity for up to 1,500
people which will be transformed into a peace and multicultural
center with class-rooms, studios, a theatre and cabins for
students to permanently live on the ship based in Oakland,
Future European Campus:
The Abbaye de La Grasse, a former benedictine monastery founded
by Charles the Great in 798 located in the South of France.
Branches: Brussels, Budapest, Prague, Vienna and Zurich
Membership: 850 people from 45 countries
Membership fees and tax-deductible donations from private
individuals, businesses, foundations, and the European Commission.
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